Caitlin McKechney
"Powerhouse mezzo" (Albert Williams, The Chicago Reader) Caitlin McKechney is quickly making a name for herself as a dynamic singing actress. Caitlin's 2017 season proved ... more
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The Heartbeat of Opera

NYC-based Mezzo-soprano Caitlin McKechney takes a look at another innovative NYC "indie opera" company, Heartbeat Opera.

Praised by Broadway World as a “compelling actor” with a “rich and powerful bass voice,” James Harrington returned to the Santa Fe Opera Apprentice program ... more
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YAP Bootcamp: Résumés

This week’s column is a fitting pivot between YAP Applications and our October Audition series, and details the elements of the singer’s most important document: The Résumé.

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Settimana 37 del 2017

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