Praised by Broadway World as a “compelling actor” with a “rich and powerful bass voice,” James Harrington returned to the Santa Fe Opera Apprentice program ... more
Scritto il su Entrepreneurship & Career Development.

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YAP Bootcamp: Research

In the third installment of our YAP Application Bootcamp, we detail an oft-overlooked strategy for strategically building a career while leveraging limited financial resources: Research.

Emily Cox
Emily Cox is a versatile performer who has been seen across the nation in musical theatre, cabaret, opera and solo orchestral works. Her numerous roles ... more
Scritto il su Developing Organizations & Audiences.

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"The Drunken Tenor" with Robert McPherson

Our Developing Organizations and Audiences column features opera companies and producers who are making inroads into non-traditional opera audiences, and creating captivating art in unexpected places. This week, Emily Cox interviews Metropolitan Opera tenor Robert McPherson, whose original act, "The Drunken Tenor," recently earned him "Best of Fringe" accolades at Seattle Fringe Festival.

Praised by Broadway World as a “compelling actor” with a “rich and powerful bass voice,” James Harrington returned to the Santa Fe Opera Apprentice program ... more
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July Mail Bag

Each month, our editor answers reader questions pertaining to careers in opera. Last month, the questions focused on Young Artist Programs, or YAPs. This month, our readers wanted to know about some of the personal challenges of a career as an opera singer.

Praised by Broadway World as a “compelling actor” with a “rich and powerful bass voice,” James Harrington returned to the Santa Fe Opera Apprentice program ... more
Scritto il su Opening Nights.

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Opening Night: Saratoga

Toi, toi, toi to our colleagues at Opera Saratoga, who open their 2017 Summer Festival tonight!

Saratoga's season begins with Verdi's Falstaff, starring Craig Colcough in the title role, Caroline Worra as Alice Ford, and Michael Chioldi as Ford!

Their season runs July 1 to 16 and features

Verdi's Falstaff | Jul 1 ...

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